
Cara menyiapkan hidangan ” Sayang»

In a water bath, beat eggs sugar honey and butter, add a tsp of baking soda and a glass of flour, mix to cool for 15 minutes, then mix another glass of flour, the dough is plastic, add the third glass carefully so as not to overdo it, half of it will go to roll out 7 cakes to bake. For the cream, beat the sour cream and condensed milk, smear the cakes and let them eat

Bahan resep "Madu»:
  • Madu 3 sdm. aku
  • 3 telur
  • 1 seni.gula
  • 100 gram mentega
  • 3 tbsp tepung
  • 500 gram. krim asam 20%
  • 1 kaleng susu kental manis

Nilai gizi hidangan "Madu" (per 100 gram):

Kalori: 308 kkal.

Tupai: 5.4 gr.

Lemak: 13.8 gr.

Karbohidrat: 40.8 gr.

Jumlah porsi: 0Bahan dan kandungan kalori dari resep "Madu"»

ProdukMengukurBerat, grPutih, grGendut, gSudut, grKal, kkal
madu3 sdm.900.72073.35296.1
telur ayampotongan 316520.9617.991.16259.05
gula pasir1 sdm.16000159.52636.8
mentega100 gram1000.582.50.8748
tepung terigu3 sdm.39035.884.68292.111333.8
krim asam 20% (kadar lemak sedang)500 gr50014100161030
susu kental manis dengan gula1 tambalan20014.417112640
Total 160586.5222.2654.94943.8
1 melayani 160586.5222.2654.94943.8
100 gram 1005.413.840.8308

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